Below is our blog for the 2024 season:

Week 1:

Build prototyped and finalized ideas for our robot this season Design also prototyped and began creating a master sketch of the robot Systems and Controls finished wiring a test robot chassis for programming to code, updated the test bench to work on vision location code, and prototyped the robot Programming is working on coding the swerve drive and visual identification code. Web Dev is sorting sponsors into tiers and updating blog posts. Business is conducting meetings with members who haven’t met their sponsorship goals Marketing is designing our pins, getting blog posts, and updating social medias Outreach is working on FIRST Impact Documentation and responding to assigned prompts for Executive Summaries.


This week, the Build Team worked on prototyping various mechanisms and finalizing what ideas we would implement in this season’s robot.

The Design Team assisted in the prototyping of various mechanisms for the robot and began creating the master sketch for our robot.

Controls finished the wiring of a test robot chassis for the Programming Team to test code on, updated our test bench so the Programming Team can work on vision localization code, and aided in the prototyping of various mechanisms for our robot.

Business worked on planning and conducting meetings with students who have not reached their assigned sponsorship goals to discuss how they could meet those goals with the time remaining before the deadline for sponsorships.

The Marketing Team worked on designing the team’s pins for the season, writing this week’s blog post, making social media posts, and beginning work on the January newsletter.

The Outreach Team worked on the FIRST Impact Documentation, beginning to respond to this season’s assigned prompts for the Executive Summaries.

The Robot Programming Team is working on creating the code for our robot’s swerve drive train and the visual identification code used for distinguishing April Tags. The scouting app programming team began designing the layout for the scouting app that will be used at competition

This week, the Web Development team worked on sorting our sponsors into tiers on our website based on how much they have donated to our team. As well as beginning to update our website with blog posts and test different ways of displaying multiple logos.

Week 2:

Build refined prototypes. Design finished our master sketch. Systems and Controls tested sensors, the capacity of batteries, and the placement of electronics on our robot. Programming finalized the Tele-Operation function of our robot. Web Dev is publishing our blog posts. Business is working with students to meet our sponsorship goals. Marketing is finalizing pin designs and has almost finished the January Newsletter. Outreach continued our team documentation and executive summaries.


This week, the Build Team developed and refinied successful prototypes and determined their critical dimensions.

The Design Team completed the master sketch of our robot, calculated the necessary geometry of our robot, and began modeling it in CAD.

Controls tested various sensors to detect game pieces and the capcaity of several batteries. Controls is also working with the Design Team to determine electronic placements of our robot.

Business continued to set up meetings with students to meet their sponsorship goals.

The Marketing Team finalized this year's pin designs and have almost completed their January Newsletter.

The Outreach Team continued to work on our team's documentation and drafting the executive summaries.

The Programming Team has nearly finalized the Tele-Operation function of our robot and have begun coding the robot's vision processing, sub-system code, and autonomous functions. The scouting app programming team is finalized designs for the app layout to be more ergonomic and developed a color scheme for the app.

This week, the Web Development team updated Week #2 Blogs and updated our website's list of sponsors.

Week 3:

Build completed the practice field. Design finished the CAD design. Systems and Controls gathered components for the robot and fixed old motors Programming completed the test bench code. Web Dev is publishing our blog posts. Business is working with students to meet our sponsorship goals. Marketing finished the January Newsletter Outreach completed the Executive Summaries and is working on the Outreach Video.


The build team wrapped up all of the prototyping and finished building the practice field. Build also fabricated the parts and bumpers for our robot.

The Design Team completed the CAD design and drawings for build to replicate. Additionally, Build verified with Design that the proposed sketches are possible.

System and Controls organized and gathered necessary parts for our robot. They also fixed old Falcon motors.

Business continued to set up meetings with students to meet their sponsorship goals.

The Marketing Team completed the January Newsletter and has begun working on our robot's logo this year.

The Outreach Team completed the first draft of the Executive Summaries and Chairman Documentation. Outreach has also continued to work on the script for the Outreach Video.

The Programming Team has finished the test bench code and working on our robot's autonomous function, vision processing, and sub systems. App Development made their designs into working code for the Scouting App.

This week, the Web Development team updated Week #3 Blogs and our website's list of sponsors.

Weeks 4 & 5:

Build assembled the bumpers and fixed anything needed during testing. Design assisted build with assmbling our robot. Systems and Controls finished assembly and finalized robot wiring. Programming reworked all subsystem code and tested to find mechanical issues. Web Dev is publishing blog posts and the sponsor page. Business finalized the business plan. Marketing revised team shirts and created a banner to display sponsor logos. Outreach submitted all our award applications and outreach videos.

The build team worked on final fitments for our robot to make sure all systems were sound. They've assembled bumpers and made any fixes during testing.

The Design Team helped build to make sure that everything has been assembled correctly on our robot before competitions.

System and Controls began wiring and testing mechanisms as well as custom cables. They've also finalized robot wiring and started working on pit equipment. For competitions, they made a list of items necessary.

The Business Team has finished the business plan.

The Marketing Team revised the team shirts and made vinyl stickers of our sponsors to place on the banner. They've also designed the layout of the sponsorship panel.

The Outreach Team submitted all the applications for awards we may receive at competitions along with the Outreach Video and Presentation.

The Programming Team has reworked all of the robot subsystems and tested vision processing. Our robot's basic paths of auton have been tested. They've completed complex commands that need to be tested.

This week, the Web Development team updated Week #4 and #5 Blogs and our website's list of sponsors.

Currently adding moblie support.

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